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improve online learning experience for kids

How can you improve online learning experience for kids

by johnjacob

With the COVID pandemic situation, children are uncertain of their day-to-day activities, restrictions in outdoor spaces, etc., to name just a few. Moreover, they are confused about their schooling, online classes, and their health as well. Masks, sanitizers, and online learning have become the common buzzwords of today where young minds are distracted from the new normal. For instance, these changes are difficult to digest and are quite challenging, especially for kids.

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What can you do?

Above all, this is the time when teachers and parents need to motivate children to become the youth of tomorrow. All you can do is just guide and support them to find their goals. Each child has different capabilities. Make them fly with their wings. Meanwhile, let them make some trial and error to find their taste in skills and talents. 

Get started on the motivation journey

Teachers and parents should play a vital role in making a better learning experience for children. In other words, your ultimate goal is to support them in progressing towards their goals. Are you a parent looking for things to make online learning fun?

In this article, let’s discuss a few:

1. Schedule routines

Normal school days have fixed timings for class hours as well as leisure time. For instance, online classes are quite flexible in their schedules. Draft a structure with ample breaks between classes, and other engaging activities. You might think about what these engaging activities could be. Online learning activities say FAQ sessions, debates, quiz sessions, presentations on topics of core subjects, etc. Moreover, ensure that they follow these routines during their class hours to make online learning fun based.  

2. Gift them rewards

This is one of the most engaging ways to make children feel motivated in online learning. After timely submission of projects, assignments, or homework, reward them with gifts, chocolates, or their favorite choice. As a result, they don’t feel bored sitting in online classes which leads to reduced student absenteeism.

3. Know their capabilities

With the busy lifestyles of today, parents should find quality time to talk to their kids. In other words, encourage them to share their day-to-day happenings so that they don’t feel lonely. Certainly, this is the best way to know their capabilities and boost confidence for online learning.

4. Do they face challenges in learning online?

Some students are distracted by remote learning. Above all, provide an open space for children for an open conversation. Know the difficulties and challenges faced during online classes. Moreover, support them to adapt to the new changes in the learning atmosphere.

5. Allow them to teach

Let students become the tutor of their class for a while. In other words, teaching is the best way to learn… This helps them study in groups and motivates them to prepare in-depth on the subject.

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