Nutritionists are advising to drink enough water to keep the body clock working properly. Many people suffer from dehydration. As harmful as it is, excess water intake (over hydration) is also risky for the body.
Drinking too much water can lead to water intoxication called hyponatremia. This can cause the inside of the cell to swell due to low levels of sodium in the bloodstream. And this can lead to serious problems update like convulsions, coma and even death.
And to avoid this kind of problem, know some of the symptoms today that will make you understand that you are drinking extra water:
1. Drink water without thirst
When you are accustomed to drinking water without thirst, you must understand that you are drinking excess water. And the best way to understand this is to know when you are thirsty. The more water your body needs, the more you will get thirsty. So understand your thirst and drink water.
2. Types
of Urine Looking at the type of urine, many people think that drinking water is decisive. And to do this, many people drink extra water.
Urine is usually light yellow in color. And seeing this, many people constantly drink water to clean the urine. So when your urine is completely clear, you will understand that you are drinking extra water.
3. Frequent urination
When you urinate excessively, even at night, you need to understand that you are drinking excess water. According to the Cleveland Clinic, a person normally urinates six to eight times a day. And if you urinate more than 10 times a day, then you are considered to be drinking excess water.
4. Nausea
Drinking excess water causes the kidneys to become unable to excrete excess fluid and that water begins to accumulate in the body. This can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and other stress problems. see also : Mental health care
5. Headaches
are caused by both dehydration and over-hydration. Drinking extra water causes the brain to enlarge and put pressure on the scalp, which can lead to headaches.
6. Fatigue
Drinking extra water causes your kidneys to work harder to excrete more water. And because of this stress your body can get tired a lot of times and this can make you feel tired.
7. Muscle weakness Drinking
extra water can cause your body to lose electrolyte levels and upset its balance. And because of this, your muscle spasms can cause some problems including cramps.