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Avoid these pitfalls when requesting a small business loan

by Nithya

A business’s funding is a crucial component. You will want a significant sum of money if you want to grow the operations of your firm, which you could be able to get through a small business loan. Despite the fact that this loan is easily accessible, there are some things you must avoid doing in order to get a rate on an unsecured business loan that is fair.

A bad credit history

When applying for a small business loan, never forget to consider all your personal and business creditworthiness. A credit history is a record that helps financial institutions ascertain whether you have a past of being responsible with debt repayment. Using this report, the lender checks at your past EMI patterns, credit history, bad comments, and hard inquiries. If your credit history is deemed inadequate, the lender will either reject your loan application or approve it at a high rate of interest for an unsecured business MSME  loan.

Keep yourself informed of any alterations made to your report so that you can simplify your life.


Not having a business plan

It is true that banks do not require you to state your reasons for obtaining a small business loan. However, that does not imply that they have no interest in learning more informally. When you apply for this loan, the lender will ask you for information regarding your sales estimates, revenue expectations, current financial records, etc. They could also inquire about the individual programs you intend to sponsor. MSME loan apply here.


You can get expert advice if you’re unsure how to write a corporate strategy. Make sure the business plan is created after information from various departments, such as marketing, revenue, and so forth, has been collected.


A lack of support

Small business loans are widely known as an unsecured source of capital. This is definitely true. However, these conditions only apply to those who have a steady profit and have never forgotten to complete an EMI payment. Meeting the minimum requirements of the lender, however, will not guarantee that you will be awarded a loan if you are having trouble keeping up with your income or have defaulted on any small loans in the last five years. To guarantee the lender that they won’t lose money, you will need to use a business asset as collateral at this point.


Financial institutions are shielded from potential dangers by collateral. The lender will be able to recover their losses even if your business suffers uncertainties and revenue declines significantly, leading to EMI non-payment and default.


small cash flow

You should never undervalue the possibilities of your company’s cash flow. Your company’s cash flow reflects the liquidity of your corporation. The lender measures your cash flow to determine if you keep enough cash on hand to weather unexpected events. Let’s use a common example to understand this.

Assume your business makes a profit of about Rs. 25 lakhs annually. The profit amount shown above is derived after subtracting all costs, including employee salaries, creditor payments, and other expenses. If you invest the full earnings amount in amassing and purchasing business assets without keeping anything with you, do you think you will be able to handle any short-term uncertainty? Maybe not. So, if your financial status isn’t stable enough to handle the EMIs, how do you anticipate the lender distributing the funds?

As a result, you should initially concentrate on maintaining your company’s cash flow condition if you want the lender to disburse funds at a lower unsecured business loan rate.

a number of applications

In a business, panic is very common during a financial crisis. However, you are making an error if you simultaneously submit small business loan applications to several lenders out of desperation. If you’re not sure why this is a bad idea, read on to find out. The credit bureau views your company as dangerous and lowers your credit score when you file too many loan applications to multiple decisions in a short period of time without waiting for any of them to let you know whether or not you qualify for a loan.

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