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Know the difference between JPA and Hibernate

Differences, Types and Features of Hibernate and JPA

by digitalraghul

The approach of querying and modifying data from a database using an object-oriented paradigm/programming language is called ORM (Object-Relational Mapping). This approach allows us to communicate with a relational database without needing to utilize SQL. Java Persistence API (JPA), a Java specification that deals with persistent data in Java applications, was first made available on May 11, 2006. The ORM layer is essentially what JPA is interested in. Hibernate has consistently produced new versions and enjoyed good community support in the over 20 years since its initial release. The key distinction between Hibernate and JPA is that the former is a framework while the latter is an API definition with an ORM-centric primary focus.

This article’s goal is to help readers understand what JPA and Hibernate are as well as how they differ from one another. Let’s first investigate the JPA and Hibernate ideas.


What is JPA?

For handling a significant amount of data, database activities like storing and retrieving are required for practically every application. It normally takes a long time to complete this arduous task. JPA is a great choice for Java developers to lessen the stress of working with databases. It stands for Java Persistence API, a Java specification that gives Java programs a way to map objects to relational databases. It offers a method for controlling object-relational mapping and persistence. Instead of relying on vendor-specific implementations, JPA defines these mappings internally. It makes use of ORM (Object Relational Mapping) tools like TopLink, Hibernate, etc. rather than doing operations on its own.

Using certain meta settings, JPA illustrates how to def

ine a POJO (Plain Old Java Object) as an entity and manage it with relations. They are either described by XML files or annotations. JPA, on the other hand, is utilized for testing application functionalities for Java SE versions even though it is compatible with functioning both inside and outside of Java EE (Enterprise Edition) containers.

The JPA components used for simple persistence management are as follows:

  • Continuity unit Entity
  • Manager Factory
  • Entity Manager
  • Entity Objects
  • Persistence context


Features of JPA


Stored Procedure Query:

An alternative to using annotations to implement stored procedure calls is the stored procedure query. Entity Manager is enhanced with the construct Stored Procedure Query(String procedure name, Class… result classes) method to enable this capability.

Constructor Result Mapping: 

The @ConstructorResult annotation can be used to 

map the query result to an existing function Object() { [native code] } call. Adding to @SqlResultSetMapping, it.

Enhancements to JPQL: 

JPQL has received some additions. You can declare extra join parameters using the ON keyword, invoke database functions using the FUNCTION keyword, and downcast entities using the TREAT keyword.

Bean Validation: 

The fields that need validations must be annotated with the java. validation.constraints annotations. The values are not displayed to the back end of the fields fail validation.

JDBC Properties:

 Several of the properties listed in the persist

ence.xml definition are now considered part of the JPA specification. These characteristics are vendor-specific in JPA 1, but they become the standard in JPA 2. 

Shared Cache:

 A standard for the shared cache technique is provided by JPA 2 version. If an entity is long-lived, it can be saved in the persistence layer and shared by all other contexts via this approach. JPA implements this feature by using the EntityManagerFactory.getCache() method to use the default cache interface.

Database Schema Generation: 

Prior to JPA 2.1, the database setup in the persistence.xml file was defined by developers using vendor-specific configuration options. 


The majority of mappings and associations were covered by earlier iterations of JPA, but JPA 2 significantly improved the mappings by including more combinations that are useful when utilizing legacy systems. Here is a brief summary of the modifications.

  • Identifications Derived from Element Collections
  • Lists that are consistently ordered
  • Orphan Removal Maps Adding a Join Table Unidirectional One-to-Many Without a Join Table

What is Hibernate?

Hibernate is a free, open-source ORM (Object Relational Mapping) solution that offers any Java application Object-Relational persistence and query service. It is one of the most widely used Java Persistence API implementations. Java objects are mapped to the database, which facilitates programming chores linked to common persistence. You don’t need to write a single line of code to complete this work efficiently utilizing XML files. You only need to alter the XML file properties if the database or any table is changed.

Internally, Hibernate makes advantage of caching, which improves the framework’s performance. First-level cache and second-level cache are the two types of cache it has. The first level is on by default.

Hibernate Query Language, sometimes known as HQL, is an object-oriented adaptation of SQL. It produces unique database queries. A database-specific question need not be written, thus. Before Hibernate, if the project’s database needed to be modified, we had to also alter the SQL query, which created a maintenance issue.

Hibernate enables you to automatically build tables for your database, eliminate.

The databases that Hibernate supports are listed below:

  • Oracle
  • Microsoft SQL Server Database
  • HSQL Database Engine
  • DB2/NT
  • FrontBase
  • Sybase SQL Server
  • PostgreSQL
  • MySQL
  • Informix Dynamic Server

Features of Hibernate

  • It is an open-source program whose source code is accessible to developers so they can use it and incorporate it into their Java programs. It is freely accessible to everyone.
  • Hibernate’s auto table generation capability creates the database table automatically, freeing programmers from having to worry about how to implement queries. Hibernate operates independently.
  • One-to-one, one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many relationships are all supported by the Hibernate framework.
  • Composition and aggregation association types of relationships are supported by Hibernate.
  • Hibernate supports inheritance, so if you save an object from a derived class, the database will also store an object from its base class.
  • Hibernate features a feature known as “lazy loading” that allows it to retrieve only the objects required for execution, which improves application speed.
  • Support for Pagination: Hibernate makes it easy to implement pagination.
  • A try-catch-exception block is unnecessary:
  • Since Hibernate has Unchecked/run-time exceptions, unlike JDBC, there is no need to include a throws clause and try-catch-exception block in the code. A translator is built into it that changes checked/compile time to unchecked/run time. However, in JDBC, we must intercept SQLException and change it into another exception. It implies that all exceptions are checked exceptions, necessitating the use of try-catch-exception and throws in our programming.

What Separates JPA from Hibernate


Java Persistence API:

  • Relational databases in Java applications are managed through JPA
  • It is covered by java.persistence package definition.
  • JPA is not an implementation but rather the Java specification.
  • The common API is what enables programmers to efficiently handle database activities.
  • To communicate with the entity manager factory for the persistence unit, it makes use of the EntityManagerFactory interface.
  • For activities such as creating, reading, and deleting instances of mapped entity classes, it makes use of the EntityManager interface. The persistence context and this interface communicate.
  • Database operations are carried out using Java Persistence Query Language (JPQL), an object-oriented query language.


  • An ORM technology called Hibernate is used to store the state of a Java object in a database.
  • It is described in the package org.hibernate.
  • Hibernate uses the Java Persistence API’s common standards and is a JPA implementation.
  • It is employed to map Java data types to SQL and database tables.
  • For producing Session instances, it makes use of the SessionFactory interface.
  • For activities such as creating, reading, and deleting instances of mapped entity classes, it makes use of a Session interface. It functions as a runtime interface for Hibernates and Java applications.
  • It employs the object-oriented query language Hibernate Query Language (HQL) to carry out database operations.

To Learn More About Hibernate and JPA <<<Check This Out>>>


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