Home » 5 Tips to Protect Your Windshield from Rain
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5 Tips to Protect Your Windshield from Rain

by kirsten

No matter how experienced a driver is, they all know what it takes to drive safely through the rains. However, even the best skills are useless when fate is in Mother Nature’s hands. It’s not the actions you take to overcome the drencher that will make the difference. Your view is constantly blocked by dirt and debris. First, ensure that the windshield in your car is ready for another round of heavy monsoons. Maintaining a windshield is hard if we don’t know its vital purpose. The importance of windshield is a critical safety feature in a car. While its primary goal is to keep the wind off your face and protect you from street dirt and rain, many people don’t realize that it has other vital functions. For example, the windscreen is also essential for absorbing the impact from airbags in an accident. 

Driving with a cracked or chipped windshield is a serious matter. Unfortunately, it can also put lives at risk. The risk of accidents is even higher in monsoons, as is evident. However, you can ensure the safety of everyone in your vehicle by maintaining your windshield. Here are five ways to protect your car’s windshield during heavy rains.

Get good wiper blades

Good wiper blades will protect your windshield from rain. Blades should be able to apply even pressure. Otherwise, they may leave streaks and fail to sweep the windshield. This aspect can damage the windshield and reduce its lifespan. Do not wait to replace the windshield glass at the last minute. Changing these blades at least three to four times yearly would be best. It is best to have your wipers checked and replaced before it rains.

Maintain the highest washer fluid levels

Windshield washer liquid, also known by the name washer fluid, is a mixture of alcohol, solvents, and water. It dissolves grime and cleans away dirt from your windshield. In addition, the washer fluid helps keep insects from building up on windshield glass during monsoons. The washer fluid plays a vital role in maintaining windshield glass. Therefore, you should check it regularly. If your windshield glass isn’t getting enough washer fluid, it’s essential to check it regularly.

Inspect for cracks

The constant assaults of hail, debris, rocks, and other pollutants on your windshield can cause damage to your car’s windshield. Sometimes, the impact can cause small cracks. These tiny cracks can become more extensive, allowing dirt and water in. The only option is to replace the windshield if this happens. It’s best to inspect your windshield and fix any cracks. Rain sensor windscreens are activated when it rains. The windscreens are equipped with a water-repellent coating, which prevents water droplets from settling and allows for maximum visibility.

Technique matters

It is wise to apply a rainproofing product to glass, but be careful about how it is applied. First, use an ammonia-based cleaner to clean the glass. After that, rinse the ammonia off the glass thoroughly and dry the glass with a microfiber towel. Next, apply the waterproofing film according to the instructions. This action will ensure good performance. 

Check out the weatherstripping

Weatherstripping is made from rubber and seals your windows and doors against rain and other pollutants. Unfortunately, the weatherstripping gradually begins to wear down, and water can get in. You need to replace your weatherstrips if you can hear rain even though the windows are closed or if you notice dampness in the car after driving in heavy rain. 

Inadequate weatherstripping can cause fogging of your windshield, leading to permanent damage. Also, you can’t drive safely if you have poor visibility. For maximum visibility, protect your windshield glass from rain. Windshield Repair RI is your one-stop shop for all windshield glass issues. Contact our service center to get windshield replacement or repair assistance.

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