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What Does a Static Security Guard Do?

by 4forces01

You might be unfamiliar with the term “static guard” and are unsure what their job responsibilities are. Although the term “static” might make you think that they are stationary, this is not the case. They are far from being stationary.

What does a static security guard do for you?

A static guard’s most important role is to ensure that the security of your property is protected. Many people interpret this as searching for thieves, burglars, or intruders.

Statually, the job of a security guard is to be a static observer. The main reasons security patrols are needed are:

  • Protect your property from fire, flood and other damages
  • To avoid accidents
  • Reduce and prevent your company’s waste of resources
  • To recognize offences and take steps to prevent them

The static security guards patrol at different times during the day, and they change their routes frequently to keep an eye out for any unexpected events. A static guard will log any untoward events in an incident book that is designated for this purpose. This is important evidence in the event that police are called to investigate.

Additional important aspects of the job of a static guard

  • Make sure all rules and regulations are observed – Security static guards make sure that all rules and regulations, including a no smoking policy, have been followed by all employees.
  • Lower environmental impact – We offer special training for our static guards in order to help businesses reduce their energy costs. This includes turning off unnecessary lights. Our static security guards are trained to reduce energy waste and help you reduce your company’s carbon footprint.
  • Security guards provide security for employees, customers, and visitors. Their presence can often prevent any potential incidents from ever happening.

The versatility of static security guards is remarkable. Their services can be customized to fit your business. They quickly learn about your business and are able to adapt to your daily routines. This allows them to become fully integrated into your company’s operations. You can hire security guards by contacting the best static security companies.

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