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What are the most energy-intensive electrical appliances?

by smdscreens

The television, the computer, the internet box, the coffee maker but also the hairdryer and the kettle are also part of the electrical appliances that consume a lot of energy and that we use without even thinking about it! It is estimated that they consume between 70 and 200 kWh per year. According to Electrical Services in Dubai, energy expenditures can quickly lead to overconsumption of electricity, without any real adaptation on your part.

Optimize the electrical consumption of your appliances: prioritize performance

Similarly, according to Electrical Services in Dubai when you buy a new household appliance (refrigerator, washing machine, etc.), keep a close eye on its energy class thanks to the energy label (classification from A++++ to G). This more efficient equipment will also allow you to reduce your electricity consumption.

The Ecogator application allows you to analyze the energy label of the electrical device you are interested in and tells you its average cost of use per year.

Tips for consuming better and less electricity on a daily basis

The way to lower your electricity bill is not only to choose the best electricity supplier but also to make small economic gestures on a daily basis. Switching off the light or an electrical appliance when you are not using it and avoiding “sleep” modes is the first step towards significant savings.

If your appliances have an “eco” mode, such as washing machines, do not hesitate to use them as well to reduce your consumption.

To reduce your electricity bill, you can also decide to change the electricity supplier. In order to compete and thus benefit from a cheaper electricity offer.

Connected objects and applications to monitor consumption

Tracking electricity consumption directly on your smartphone or computer has become commonplace. Many electricity suppliers offer this service in their online customer area. But also via mobile applications such as éCO2mix (EDF), Engie, Direct Energie, or Greenyellow. They allow you to monitor the electricity consumption of your home in real-time and to benefit from advice on how to consume less.

Home automation also offers its services to monitor its daily electricity consumption by Electrical Services in Dubai. You can now find a multitude of them, from the connected thermostat to regulate the electric heating in your home to the smart sockets to monitor your consumption live. These innovations also make it possible to consume better by doing something for the environment.

What is the electricity consumption in France? How is electricity consumption distributed in France?

460 TWh of electricity were consumed on French territory in 2020, all consumers combined (professionals and individuals), which corresponds to 274 MWh per day! This still represents a drop of 3.5% compared to 2019. In the question: the pandemic and the effect of confinements.

Households represent 38% of end consumers of electricity

For information, the country’s electricity consumption tripled between 1973 and 2010. The year in which it began to stabilize, due to the industrial context and reduction efforts.

Here is the breakdown of final electricity consumption in France, according to RTE:

36% by residential;
27% by companies;
17% by large industry;
10% by SMEs and SMIs;
10% by professionals.

We thus note the predominance of residential use of electricity in France, which can be decompensate as follows (source ADEME):

27.6% for heating;
18.5% for cold and washing;
13.5% for multimedia and IT;
12.8% for domestic hot water;
7.8% for cooking;
5.6% for lighting;
1.7% for ventilation.

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