Many law students find working through their course to be a challenge. They have classwork to complete, lectures to attend, and a dissertation to write. Therefore, it’s no wonder most struggle! After all, managing your law degree while balancing your personal life can be hard. That’s why most students look for law dissertation help online. And today, we’re here to bring you just that!
Our team understands what law students need to do to prepare themselves for a dissertation. And what might that be? Well, reading, of course! Every law student should pick up any legal news and read it to better understand UK laws. That’s why we’re covering an interesting topic today: UK gambling and loot boxes in video games. After all, most young people play video games in some form or another. Even you have probably played a mobile game on your phone. Therefore, students should be aware of the interesting legal cases surrounding gaming. But before we dive into the topic, you might be wondering why reading can help. Our team has an answer, so let’s first cover:
Why is Reading About Legal News is Good Law Dissertation Help?
There is no fixed skillset or rules for any student pursuing their law degree to make them a successful lawyer. Instead, when institutions present students with their syllabus, they must combine their writing, research, and, most importantly, reading skills to achieve success. Of course, many students understand the importance of research and writing. That’s why they come to us for law dissertation help. But not everyone realises that the last skill is also vital! Reading is incredibly important to every student. And no, we aren’t just talking about reading your textbook! Here’s why reading is incredibly good for law students.
- Reading gives students a better perspective of the subject. You will understand the matter at hand and gain deep knowledge of law through reading.
- When you have the know-how of your subject or concepts, you can easily proceed with communicating and conveying your thoughts and ideas effectively. In addition, it will be easier to express and articulate your point of view.
- Reading Improves student vocabulary. It helps you with the precise use of words. Students need to be well-versed with vocabulary and reading is a great way to improve writing and communication. Therefore, going over various topics will help you improve and expand your vocabulary.
Gambling and Videogames – Law Dissertation Help by Reading
For anyone who’s familiar with gaming, the words gambling and video games are quite common. We all understand where it originates from and how prevalent it is in the industry. But for those who are not sure what it’s all about, here’s a brief rundown.
Gambling in the videogame industry can be traced back to a specific point. It includes loot boxes and surprise mechanics.
What is a loot box? A loot box is a virtual consumable item that players redeem to receive a random selection of virtual items or loot. These can range from customisation options to game equipment like weapons and armour.
Obtaining these loot boxes costs players money. Meaning you need to pay to buy one, and you’ll have a chance to obtain a specific surprise reward when you open it. But this chance reward by paying money is what many deem as gambling.
Loot boxes are now considered a form of gambling because of the use of random chance for items after paying real-world funds. As a result, there have been several legal efforts to combat the growing trend of these mechanics in video games.
Furthermore, recent research has only further established the link between gambling and video games and its psychological impact on the youth. So that brings us to our question: What legalities should students be interested in?
Gambling Act review
The UK government’s upcoming Gambling Act review seeks to analyse and question where the claims of gambling stand. The good news for gamers everywhere is the Lords already say publicly that loot box mechanics are “games of chance.”
The Gambling Act will take into account what the recent research indicates. For example, 93% of kids play video games, and 40% purchase loot boxes. These players generate the entire revenue of many companies. The reports further state that gamers experience a “psychological nudge” toward these mechanics due to artificial blocks that prevent progress in-game – such as special items, time savers, limited-time items, etc.
It would seem like the UK government is not taking as harsh a stance as Belgium, where loot boxes were made illegal. However, this is merely the start. The government says a future review of the Gambling Act will focus on loot boxes. On the other hand, the Lords report states, “The issue requires more urgent attention.”
The Facts and Research
There are several stories of young kids spending all their parents’ money because they have an addiction to gambling with video games. And therefore, many have pushed for in-depth research. There are many key factors to understand when looking at what the literature has to say. It asks important questions about industry regulations, policies and the harm they can do to families and children.
Our law dissertation help website encourages interested students to analyse the data. Then, consider writing a practice paper to defend or overcome the problem.
Our Law Dissertation Help Website Insight – Why is it a problem?
Law students need to analyse all the present data surrounding the issue. But gaming is a complex industry, and recent changes negatively impact gamers and children. However, many gaming giants like EA do not see any issue with the mechanics. The company says loot boxes are not gambling but surprise mechanics similar to a Kinder Egg. And that leads us to the ensuing lawsuits.
Of course, the legalities that the UK government face are complex. Therefore, as a law dissertation help website, we encourage students to read more about the interesting legal battle. After all, this is something that affects many young people.
Gambling and video games are interesting topics for law students. On the one hand, there’s a clear threat to the well-being of young people. And on the other hand, it is tough to define what counts as gambling and what doesn’t. Therefore, it’s difficult to solve the issue of gambling in video games. But you can put all the data together and use it to practice writing your legal arguments.
We hope you enjoy reading our law dissertation help topics, research, and more. Remember, law students need to read to keep themselves ahead of the curve. After all, your only limit is your knowledge of UK laws and current legal events. Therefore, pick up and read whenever you have the chance. And use it to articulate your own legal arguments and papers.
But if you’re tired of reading and need a better approach for your law dissertations, we have a good solution for you. You can always turn to our team for writing and learning support. So keep working hard out there, and take a break sometimes too! Just remember, stay away from those loot boxes in your games. At least till they legally resolve the issue.