Home » Try these Best ways to Fix QuickBooks Error code 350
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Try these Best ways to Fix QuickBooks Error code 350

by alexnelson12

Every application has many pros and cons and errors also. We face these errors while doing any particular work like log in failure, data has lost, network speed, server down etc. The QuickBooks application is one of them. QuickBooks allows the users to link with their bank account and credit card server but at the time of linking, an error arises named QuickBooks error code 350 that does not permit downloading the recent Transactions.  

This is a run time error that occurs when a user wants to connect with a bank online. It may slow down your speed of the net, can damage data, and connectivity issues.

Read Also: Fix multi-user mode not working in QuickBooks problem

Many different examples of error messages shown on the screen:

  • The old connection doesn’t work.
  • Security questions do not match.
  • Not able to download the recent transactions.


Root cause of QuickBooks error 350:

  • When the server is temporarily blocked or under construction.
  • When a particular website of a bank is under maintenance.
  • The QuickBooks company file that has recent transactions is corrupted.
  • Uncertain network connection can be the cause of this error.
  • The size of a company file exceeds the definite limit.


Procedures are taken up to sort out the QuickBooks Error 350

To remove the error 350 in QuickBooks online, we need to know the process so let’s analyse:

Solution 1: Recognise and get back spoiled data

Spoiled or damaged data means the user has lost its data integrity. We can rebuild it, by taking back-up of the file through the following steps:

  • Open the QuickBooks online application.
  • Select and click on File Menu, a drop- down list will come up.
  • Select Utilities from the list and further click on it, on the right side another drop-down list is generated.
  • Select Verify data from it.

Verify data utility Screenshot

  • If your app shows a message “data has lost its integrity” means the data is damaged and run the rebuild process.
  • Repeat the process: select the file menu
  • Then Utilities from the list 
  • Click on Utilities and move on Rebuild Data to recover and repair damaged data.

Rebuild data utility Screenshot

  • Press Enter key from the keyboard for OK
  • Select the path where you want to save the recovered file.
  • After file back-up is done successfully, the damaged data can be recovered.
  • The Rebuild data utility would begin and resolve the error 350.
  • Exit the application 
  • Restart QuickBooks application again and check the error has resolved. 


Solution 2: Connect a QuickBooks account with Bank

  • Run the QuickBooks online application.
  • Visit Banking Menu from the menu bar
  • Choose the account you want to reconnect and face the issue.
  • Select the Sign -in option and fill the client details to log on into the website.
  • Move on the account in which you are downloading the recent transactions.
  • Click on Continue to move further.
  • To get the latest transactions from the bank, click on the update tab.



To get rid of QuickBooks error350 just check the internet connection, Connectivity between bank and QuickBooks online.

If you are in a dilemma, determine the best tool for your system according to the error. We request you to contact us immediately to avoid any trouble. We have the best team of experts capable of rectifying every kind of QuickBooks error. You can directly reach the US through email ID or by giving a call on a toll-free number.


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