Home » The right way and precautions to do Agnistambhasana yoga, gives relief from breathing problems
The right way and precautions to do Agnistambhasana yoga, gives relief from breathing problems

The right way and precautions to do Agnistambhasana yoga, gives relief from breathing problems

by Shrishti khairwal

Yoga gurus who believe in nature as a guru, created a yoga asana to increase pitta or fire in the body. The name of this yoga posture is also Agnistambhasana or Fire Log Pose, so in this article we will give information about what is Agnistambhasana, benefits of doing Agnistambhasana, the right way to do it, method and precautions.


What Is Agnistambhasana / Fire Log Pose?

Agnistambhasana is a Sanskrit word, this word is made up of three words. The first word Agni means fire or fire. The second word Stambha means a pillar or a log or a log used to light a fire. Whereas the third word Asana refers to standing, bending or sitting in a particular position. It is also called Pose or Posture in English, Agnistambhasana is also called Fire Log Pose or Fire Log Pose, Fire Statue Pose, Double Pigeon Pose, Square Pose, Ankle to Knee Pose in English language.

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What Is Agnistambhasana / Fire Log Pose?

Agnistambhasana is a Sanskrit word, this word is made up of three words. The first word Agni means fire or fire. The second word Stambha means a pillar or a log or a log used to light a fire. Whereas the third word Asana refers to standing, bending or sitting in a particular position. It is also called Pose or Posture in English, Agnistambhasana is also called Fire Log Pose or Fire Log Pose, Fire Statue Pose, Double Pigeon Pose, Square Pose, Ankle to Knee Pose in English language.

Agnistambhasana is a yoga posture of the Vinyasa style of yoga science. The time to do this is up to 60 seconds from one side. After that it has to be repeated. This is a yogasana of medium difficulty or intermediate level.

With regular practice of this asana, the muscles like Feet and Ankles, Hamstrings, Buttocks, Pelvic, Pelvic (Psoas), Quadriceps, Knees etc. get strengthened. .


Benefits of doing Agnistambhasana:

  • Regular practice of Agnistambhasana provides many important benefits to the body. like,
  • Provides good stretch to the hamstrings, calves and adductor muscles.
  • Gives good stretch to the rib muscles.
  • Eliminates breathing problems.
  • Gives good stretch to the torso muscles.
  • Opens and stretches the chest and shoulder muscles.
  • Stimulates the lungs and abdominal muscles.


Correct way to do Agnistambhasana:

  • To do Agnistambhasana, increase the practice gradually, never putting pressure on the shoulders or knees.
  • Always make sure that the warm-up has been done and the core muscles have been activated.
  • If at any time you feel discomfort or pain, do not apply any pressure.
  • Slowly stop practicing the asana and relax.
  • For the first time, do this asana only under the supervision of a yoga guru.


Method of doing Agnistambhasana:

  • Sit in Sukhasana on a yoga mat and place the left foot or ankle on top of the right knee.
  • Bend the right leg forward.
  • The foot should come under the left knee.
  • Do not do this mudra if you feel any pain in the knees.
  • Inhale and press the hips down.
  • Try to pull the head upwards.
  • Pull the shoulders down and back.
  • Press the chest forward.
  • Slowly bring the hips down.
  • Try to touch the knees with the floor.
  • Keep the back flat and the chest open.
  • While exhaling, bring the torso forward.
  • Don’t try to apply pressure at all.
  • Get down on your knees or put your hands forward.
  • If possible, allow your head to touch the floor.
  • In this position, draw and release 2-6 breaths inward.
  • Slowly inhale and rise upwards.
  • Now do the same posture from the other side as well.



Avoid practicing Agnistambhasana if you have the following problems.

  • Do not do this asana in case of serious illness or if there is diarrhoea etc.
  • Agnistambhasana should not be done if there is pain in the spine, knee and neck pain.
  • Do not raise your hands in case of shoulder pain, heart and high blood pressure patients should not do this asana.
  • In the beginning, do Agnistambhasana only under the supervision of a yoga trainer, you can also do this asana yourself when balance is achieved.
  • Before practicing Agnistambhasana, definitely consult a doctor.



Agnistambhasana is a very good posture of yoga science, a healthy mind resides in a healthy body, it not only activates metabolism but also helps to keep your mind stable.

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