MPSC Syllabus 2022 → MPSC Syllabus PDF & Clerk Exam Pattern → Candidates who are planning to sit in MPSC Exam 2022 – 2023 hall may be searching Maharashtra Public Service Commission Syllabus. So, today we are dealing with MPSC Competitive Exam Syllabus with Exam Pattern to achieve good marks in the exam. Updated MPSC new syllabus PDF downloads in here. So, candidates can also download the MPSC Syllabus 2022 in PDF or Word format online mode from the official site.
MPSC Syllabus 2022
List of Various exams conducted by MPSC for MPSC Recruitment 2023 –
- MPSC State Service Exam / MPSC Rajya Seva.
- Maharashtra Subordinate Services Combined Exam.
- Maharashtra Services Combined Group C Exam.
- Assistant Motor Vehicle Inspector Exam.
- Assistant Section Officer Exam.
- Assistant Section Officer Exam.
- Agriculture Service Examination.
- Forest Service Exam.
- Engineering Services Combined Exam.
- Police Sub Inspector Exam.
- State Tax Inspector Exam.
- Maharashtra Education Services (Group B) Exam.
- Civil Judge and Judicial Magistrate Exam.
MPSC Syllabus 2022 and Exam Pattern
MPSC (Maharashtra Public Service Commission) is a body created by the constitution of India under Article 315. The Maharashtra Public Service Commission (MPSC) conducts various exams namely State Service Exam, PSI, ASO, AMVI, and More. Here in this article, we have given the complete syllabus on MPSC 2022 Preliminary, Main & MPSC New Change Syllabus 2023.
Conducted Body | Maharashtra Public Service Commission |
Topic | Syllabus |
Syllabus Language | Marathi, English |
Official Website | |
MPSC Main Office Address | 51/2, 7 and 8th Floor,
Cooperage Telephone Exchange Building Maharshi Karve Marg, Cooperage, Mumbai – 400021. |
MPSC State Service Exam / MPSC Rajya Seva Syllabus 2022
MPSC State Service Exam complete Syllabus for MPSC Recruitment here on this page. In the articles, we have updated the Prelims, Mains, and Interview syllabus.
State Services (Preliminary) Examination:
Paper No. | Marks | Duration | Standard | Medium | Nature of Paper |
Paper I (compulsory) | 200 | 2 HRS. | Degree | Marathi & English | Objective Type |
Paper II (compulsory) | 200 | 2 HRS. | Topic No. (1) to (5) Degree level
No. (6) class X level No.(7) X / XII level |
So, Paper I Syllabus consists of the following topics like
(1) Current events of state, national and international importance.
(2) History of India (with special reference to Maharashtra) and Indian National Movement.
(3) Maharashtra, India and World Geography – Physical, Social, Economic Geography of Maharashtra, India and the World.
(4) Maharashtra and India – Polity and Governance – Constitution, Political System, Panchayati Raj, Urban Governance, Public Policy, Rights issues, etc.
(5) Economic and Social Development – Sustainable Development, Poverty, Inclusion, Demographics, Social Sector initiatives, etc.
(6) General issues on Environmental Ecology, Bio-diversity, and Climate Change-that do not require subject specialization.
(7) General Science.
Paper II Syllabus consists with
(1) Comprehension
(2) Interpersonal skills including communication skills.
(3) Logical reasoning and analytical ability.
(4) Decision-making and problem-solving.
(5) General mental ability.
(6) Basic numeracy (numbers and their relations, orders of magnitude, etc.) interpretation(Charts, graphs, tables, data sufficiency, etc.- Class X level)
(7) Marathi and English Language Comprehension skills.
State Services (Main) Examination:
MPSC has recently announced a new exam pattern for the year 2023. According to the new syllabus Written Exam will 1750 Marks (Number of Question Papers – 9). Interview and Personality Test will 275 Marks. The detailed exam pattern of the MPSC Rajyaseva Mains examination is as follows:
Marks & Time Duration | Medium |
Paper 1 Marathi | 300 Marks in 3 Hours | Marathi |
Paper 2 English | 300 Marks in 3 Hours | English |
Paper 3 Essay | 250 Marks in 3 Hours | Marathi/ English |
Paper 4 General Studies -1 | 250 Marks in 3 Hours | Marathi/ English |
Paper 5 General Studies -2 | 250 Marks in 3 Hours | Marathi/ English |
Paper 6 General Studies -3 | 250 Marks in 3 Hours | Marathi/ English |
Paper 7 General Studies -4 | 250 Marks in 3 Hours | Marathi/ English |
Paper 8 Optional Subject Paper No.- 1 | 250 Marks in 3 Hours | Marathi/ English |
Paper 9 Optional Subject Paper No.- 2 | 250 Marks in 3 Hours | Marathi/ English |
However, Marathi Syllabus consists of the following topics like
Precis Writing.
Usage and Vocabulary.
Short Essays.
Translation from English to Marathi & Marathi to English.
While English Syllabus consists of the following topics like
Precis Writing.
Usage and Vocabulary.
Short Essays.
Indeed the essay Syllabus consists of the following topics like
Some important Essay Writing for MPSC State Service Mains Paper 3 by –
- Global Warming and International Co-operation
- Waste not, want not
- A cashless economy is not practicable in India
- Role and responsibilities of security forces in disaster management
- Justice delayed is Justice denied
- Significance of Soft skills in career development
- Changing dynamics of consumerism in the post-COVID-19 society
- Actions speak louder than words
- Internal security forces are vital to the progress and prosperity of a country
- Crisis of credibility in India’s electronic media
- Chinese economic policy in countries bordering India
- Work from Home: A boon or name?
- Unemployment and the New Education Policy
- Urbanization is hazardous to human health
- Infiltrators are a threat to India’s security
Also, General Studies Syllabus consists of the following topics like
- Indian culture will cover the salient aspects of Art Forms, Literature, and Architecture from ancient to modern times. Bhakti movement and its philosophy with special reference to the saints’ movement in Maharashtra.
- Modern Indian history from about the middle of the eighteenth century until the present- significant events, personalities, and issues.
- The Freedom Struggle – its various stages and important contributors /contributions from different parts of the country.
- Post-independence consolidation and reorganization within the country.
- History of the world will include events from the 18th century such as the industrial revolution, world wars,redrawal of national boundaries, colonization, decolonization, political philosophies like communism, capitalism, socialism, etc.- their forms and effect on society.
- Salient features of Indian Society, Diversity of India
- Role of women and women’s organization, population and associated issues, poverty and developmental issues, urbanization, their problems, and their remedies
- Effects of globalization on Indian society
- Social empowerment, communalism, regionalism, secularism
- Salient features of the world’s physical geography.
- Distribution of key natural resources across the world (including South Asia and the Indian subcontinentfactors responsible for the location of primary, secondary, and tertiary sector industries in various parts of the world (including India)
- Important Geophysical phenomena such as earthquakes, tsunamis, Volcanic activity, cyclones, etc., geographical features and their location- changes in critical geographical features (including water bodies and ice-caps) and in flora and fauna and the effects of such changes.
Again General Studies Syllabus consists of the following topics like
- Indian Constitution- historical underpinnings, evolution, features, amendments, significant provisions, and basic structure.
- Functions and responsibilities of the Union and the States, issues, and challenges pertaining to the federal structure, devolution of powers and finances up to local levels, and challenges therein.
- Separation of powers between various organs; dispute redressal mechanisms and institutions.
- Comparison of the Indian constitutional scheme with that of other countries
- Parliament and State Legislatures – structure, functioning, the conduct of business, powers & privileges, and issues arising out of these.
- Structure, organization, and functioning of the Executive and the Judiciary- Ministries and Departments of the Government; pressure groups and formal/informal associations and their role in the Polity.
- Local self-government.
- Salient features of the Representation of People’s Act.
- Appointment to various Constitutional posts, powers, functions, and responsibilities of various Constitutional Bodies.
- Statutory, regulatory, and various quasi-judicial bodies.
- Government policies and interventions for development in various sectors and issues arising out of their design and implementation.
- Development processes and the development industry- the role of NGOs, SHGs, various groups and associations, donors, charities, institutional and other stakeholders.
- Welfare schemes for vulnerable sections of the population by the Centre and States and the performance of these schemes; mechanisms, laws, institutions, and Bodies constituted for the protection and betterment of these vulnerable sections.
- Issues relating to the development and management of Social Sector/Services relating to Health, Education, and Human Resources.
- Issues relating to poverty and hunger.
- Important aspects of governance, transparency, and accountability, e-governance- applications, models, successes, limitations, and potential; citizens charters, transparency & accountability, and institutional and other measures.
Role of civil services in a democracy
- India and its neighbourhood- relations.
- Bilateral, regional, and global groupings and agreements involving India and/or affecting India’s interests.
- Effect of policies and politics of developed and developing countries on India’s interests, Indian Diaspora.
- Important International institutions, agencies, and fora- their structure, mandate.