Home » Long COVID 5 Big Questions to be Answered about Post-COVID Syndrome

Long COVID 5 Big Questions to be Answered about Post-COVID Syndrome

by alinabozo

Although COVID-19 symptoms can pass rapidly for some individuals, however, millions of people suffer persistent symptoms known as long COVID or the PASC (Post-acute manifestations of SARS-CoV-2) as well as the post-COVID disorder.

Long COVID can be a problem for anyone whether adults or children healthy individuals, as well as those who suffer from other medical conditions. It’s been observed in people who have been admitted to hospitals and with mild symptoms.

As of July 20, 2021, long COVID is classified as an impairment in the Federal Americans as well as Disability Act, but there are still a lot of questions regarding the condition.

As scientists continue to solve the mystery regarding long COVID, Bethany Bruzzi, DO chief medical officer at Banner University Medical Center Tucson. University Medical Center Tucson was available to answer questions on what we know about symptoms and treatments.

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What is COVID?

“Patients suffering from chronic COVID suffer from symptoms that last or recur longer than days in a row following the first infection by COVID-19 following recovery from the initial infection,” Dr. Bruzzi said.

Studies have shown that 25-30 percent of patients that recover from COVID-19 suffer from persistent symptoms. The symptoms that are common include:

  • Flu-like symptoms
  • The brain fog (difficulty to concentrate or think)
  • Chest pain
  • Stomach pain/issues
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Weight loss
  • Dizziness while standing
  • Changes in mood
  • Recurring breathing symptoms
  • Persistent loss of smell and taste


What causes people to experience COVID that lasts for a long time differently?

The most difficult aspect of COVID is that the symptoms and the degree to which they may be will vary significantly from person to person.

“Because COVID-19 is a virus that can affect all organ systems, various symptoms may arise in the course of the initial infection as well as after a lengthy COVID disease,” Dr. Bruzzi explained. “The way in which your immune system body is affected may differ for each individual… If you have a background of chronic illness could cause one organ to be more susceptible to infection than the next.”


Are some individuals more susceptible to COVID that lasts a long time?

Anyone who has suffered from COVID-19 is able to develop long COVID regardless of previous health condition or age. Yet, a recent study found that people who are older females, women, people who have a history of asthma and those who have particular immune markers (proteins within our bodies that determine our body’s ability to can combat dangerous infections) are more likely suffer from long-term COVID.

“However the research continues in this area,” Dr. Bruzzi stated. “Although it is definitely an area of interest for investigators right now, however, there are currently no guidelines for blood tests to aid in determining the relationship between the immune system and the specific immune markers that are not used to prove a COVID diagnosis.”


Can vaccinations protect against long COVID?

The people who are up to the latest with their COVID-19 vaccination have a lower chance to develop a serious illness or being hospitalized as a result of the initial infection. The vaccination can also aid in preventing long-term COVID.

“Although everyone can suffer from prolonged COVID syndrome, it’s more likely to be experienced by those with a history of severe illness,” Dr. Bruzzi stated. ” A recent study discovered that people had a higher risk of getting long-term COVID when they suffered five or more symptoms as a result of the initial stage of their illness.”


How many days will it take me to heal from long COVID?

It is not clear at present what time the recovery process from COVID that is long may take. “Since there isn’t any cure or pill to treat COVID that is long-lasting Recovery times could differ for every person,” Dr. Bruzzi explained. “Much of the treatment to use ivermectin for sale  currently available is determined by the symptoms that patients experience.”


Does exercise aid or hurt COVID for a long time?

“Exercise is always beneficial to the patients” Dr. Bruzzi declared.

Since exercise has been proven to help improve heart health as well as lung health and mental well-being, it must be thought of in the context of treatment for any ongoing disease. As with any other illness or condition, Bruzzi pointed out the importance of speaking with your doctor prior to beginning an exercise routine.

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Since the symptoms of COVID that last for a long time can be different, which healthcare doctor should I consult?

If you want to have your conditions taken care of, it’s recommended to consult with a doctor who is experienced and knowledgeable of COVID that has a long duration.

“Research is ongoing and the literature is released quickly,” Dr. Bruzzi declared. “Connecting to an organization that has primary medical doctors and specialists who specialize in treating COVID that has a long-term effect will reduce the amount of time you’re around in anger and Instead, we will provide you with the assistance you need.”

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