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Integrated Care Interoperability: Benefits and Importance

Healthcare Interoperability

by davinci

As an industry, we must build solutions that allow for successful data sharing so that patients no longer have to transport their medical records from one therapy to the next.

We have the technology, interoperability standards, and clinical workflows in place to improve our performance and, as a result, provide better patient care. Why? Because interoperability is the basis of better care.

Interoperability in healthcare refers to the ability of different information technology systems to communicate and share user data. This allows clinicians to examine all of the data on a patient being treated.

What is Interoperability?

As new technological developments emerge, healthcare companies are adopting connected health and interoperability not simply to meet regulatory requirements, but also to improve patient outcomes.

And the rate of expansion is outpacing what the healthcare industry saw a few years ago with electronic prescribing (e-prescribing) in Electronic Health Records (EHRs).

Some pharmacies were participating at the time, but by the end of the year, practically all of them had signed up. The competition for connected health and interoperability is fierce today. intelyConnect offers a no-code and low-code approach to healthcare data integration and interoperability.

Importance of interoperability:

Data exchange benefits patients and physicians: 

Patients expect their doctor to have access to their whole medical record, including admissions, discharges, medication lists, lab test results, and treatment plans.

When doctors have access to this information, they can make the best medical judgments and prevent having to repeat tests and treatments.

Direct messaging:

Interoperability is a real phenomenon, and it’s happening now with practically every health IT system on a wide scale. The number of national networks is increasing at a faster rate.

Direct messaging is outpacing e-prescribing in terms of growth. Physicians may connect to virtually any care environment through direct messaging, care quality, and HIE connectivity.

All of these services can be fully automated to provide data in response to pre-defined trigger events, such as the start of patient contact or the end of a referral visit.

Reduced cost & errors:

Interoperability services can aid in the reduction of faxing administrative costs. While assisting firms in improving office efficiency and reducing errors, manual operations are still in use.

Without interoperability, healthcare personnel waste a lot of time faxing and manually coordinating data sharing. Inadvertent errors might occur when employees are required to manually abstract data from faxed papers.

Data shared electronically can be quickly incorporated into the patient’s chart, reducing errors. It saves time for employees while maintaining a high level of efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

Mitigating physician burnout:

Physician burnout has been linked to overflowing EHR inboxes with duties, communications, and papers to evaluate. By adding routing rules, IT administrators can improve a physician’s experience.

Then there are filters to reduce the number of tasks. They can also use Intely Healthcare’s interoperability capabilities to scan message metadata, analyze content, and choose the optimal receiver for the message—all without having to go through the provider’s inbox.

Benefits of interoperability:

For all the healthcare interoperability processes, IT companies develop a particular software to overcome the challenges to kept medical records in a system. Now, there are lots of benefits of healthcare interoperability in an organization.  

Organizations that use technology to help with system synchronization and communication reap numerous benefits. Some of these are: – 

  • Informed decision making:

Greater access to real-time patient data from important healthcare organizations promotes more precise treatments. It can improve care delivery by reducing errors and duplication of effort, resulting in better patient/citizen outcomes.

Access to comprehensive views of a patient’s medical history, including prescriptions, allergies, and procedures, as well as health or adult social care plans.

  • Effective patient care:

As a result of the epidemic, the current burden on NHS resources has increased. The growing backlog of non-COVID therapies is exacerbating the problem. As a result of the rising demands on healthcare services, better-networked healthcare systems are required. 

Patient data, first and foremost, improve the patient experience while also supporting the current spike in healthcare concerns. Interoperability effectively brings organizations together, resulting in more coordinated patient care.

  • Reduced duplication of effort: 

Having real-time access to patient data 24 hours a day, seven days a week eliminates duplication of effort and errors in inpatient treatment. 

The information gives healthcare providers a thorough picture of a patient’s medical history. As a result, there will be no duplication of testing between settings, and the patient will only have to tell their narrative once.

  • Increased time efficiency:

Interoperability improves time efficiency by saving substantial amounts of time. If a patient is unable to communicate effectively, health or care providers can fill in the gaps.

In addition, because the Medical Interoperability Gateway (MIG) harvests and shows patient data in an existing system, physicians can spend more time treating patients.

  • Reducing unnecessary hospital admissions:

Providing full views of reliable patient data enhances continuity of treatment and prevents unnecessary hospital admissions. Patients can be efficiently treated correctly, whether in the General category under a truly integrated care paradigm. 

At its ideal, interoperability offers all of a patient’s information, regardless of system or setting. This information can then be utilized to efficiently coordinate care.

  • Reducing transfer delays: 

Many reasons contribute to transfer delays, and interoperability can assist alleviate these issues. Healthcare choices can be made faster and safely after reading the medical record, reducing the transfer of care, distress, and protracted stays in the hospital for patients. 

Coordinating care and sharing information between health and social care organizations can help determine if a patient is ready to be discharged, lowering readmissions.

  • Protecting patient data security: 

Patients expect their providers to keep clinical data secure, which is why compliance is such a crucial aspect of healthcare interoperability. 

Hospitals are balancing the need for patient health data to be available with the requirement to protect patient privacy as the number of cybersecurity assaults on healthcare institutions rises. 

HIPAA-compliant environments are used in today’s healthcare interoperability solutions to ensure that data is shared appropriately and securely.

  • Greater Productivity: 

Healthcare’s and providers’ productivity is crucial in their day-to-day work. They want to spend more time with patients than with technology in the end. Organizational efficiencies improve as the time required to process data is reduced. 

However, according to a recent study, this goal is rarely realized. Productivity will suffer if interoperability is a problem. Users must be able to quickly obtain data from a variety of different systems. 

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How does care quality fit into the interoperability?

Health record exchanges are now taking place in almost every health system, EHR, and care environment, and the industry has converged around Care quality. Care quality is a public-private partnership that promotes a framework for interoperability.

It allows for seamless communication across and among networks. It is the primary method for securely exchanging data between EHRs. Care quality ensures that all participating networks are connected at all times.

The Care quality framework’s users, as well as their clients, benefit from faster data delivery and more cost-effective health data sharing. One of the most difficult tasks for doctors is establishing where a patient has been treated previously. 

  • The huge volume of available data can be overwhelming, especially if the content isn’t presented in a readable and digestible format.
  • There is limited access to narrative text dictated notes and photos.
  • By negotiating the administrative and commercial hurdles posed by regulatory requirements, you can avoid significant financial penalties.

How can we overcome these issues? 

Implementing interoperability solutions that automate data interchange and enable it by default as a basic feature of patient care will benefit providers.

Care quality enables firms that provide record locator services to handle the difficulty of locating historical data. Smart filtering and routing rules can help with data quantity and quality issues.


Standards creation, network proliferation, and patient access are all being worked on in the field of connected health and interoperability. Patients will no longer have to take their medical records from one office to another when true interoperability is established.

When providers have complete user access to every patient’s medical history, interoperability is no longer a matter of discussion since it “simply works.”

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