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How Canada’s Legalized Marijuana

by markdonald

Canada has been a fascinating country to watch in recent years as it legalisms marijuana one state at a time. With opinion polls consistently showing that a majority of Canadians are in favor of legalizing the drug, it seemed only a matter of time before the government got on board. Marijuana in Canada is now fully legal to possess and consume in Canada, but selling it is still illegal.

Reason Canada legalized marijuana

Canada legalized marijuana because it is a rational choice. The country has seen a rise in opioid and cocaine addictions, and these has been shown to be less harmful than either of those drugs. A study by the University of Montreal found that this is not as addictive as opioids or cocaine and that it can actually help treat medical conditions like chronic pain.

In addition, there are economic benefits to legalizing’s these. The government could save money on law enforcement, health care, and prison costs. Additionally, businesses that are in the cannabis industry could see a rise in profits.

How the legalization of marijuana will work in Canada

The legalization of marijuana in Canada will work in a similar way to how it works in other countries that have legalized it. This means that the recreational use of these will be legal and that individuals will be able to possess up to 30 grams of marijuana. However, it is important to note that this does not mean that this will be available everywhere. In fact, thye will only be available in government-run stores.

The Different Types of Marijuana available in Canada

When it comes to marijuana, Canadians have a lot of options. Here are the different types of available in Canada:

-Medical marijuana: This is cannabis that is prescribed by a doctor for a patient who has a diagnosed medical condition. This type of this can include strains that are specifically designed to treat specific conditions, such as chronic pain, cancer, and multiple sclerosis.

How to consume marijuana in Canada

These can be consumed in a number of ways in Canada. Smoking is the most common way to consume this, but it can also be consumed in vape and edible forms. Here are some tips on how to consume these in Canada:

-Smoking: This is the most common way to consume in Canada. To smoke, you will need to purchase a smoking device (such as a pipe, bong, or joint) and some weed. 

-Vaping: Vaping is another way to consume marijuana in Canada. To vape, you will need to purchase a vaping device (such as an e-cigarette or vape pen) and some weed. 

-Edible Marijuana: This products are becoming increasingly popular in Canada. You can then prepare the product yourself or ask a friend to do so for you

The Pros and Cons of legalized Marijuana in Canada

One of the most popular debates in the world today revolves around cannabis and its many potential benefits and drawbacks. While proponents of command marijuana claim that it can be used for a variety of purposes, from managing chronic pain to alleviating anxiety and depression, critics contend that this plant is harmful and addictive. So, which side is correct?

Pro: The Economic Benefits of edict

According to a report published by Washington State University in 2017, command of marijuana could generate up to $6 billion in annual revenue for the US economy. Considering that Canada is already one of the world’s largest cannabis markets, dictating weed there would likely result in even greater economic benefits. 

Con: The Social Costs of Legalized Marijuana


Canada has legalized marijuana, and with that comes a whole host of new opportunities and challenges. Here are just a few of the ways in which this change will impact businesses:

– Marijuana companies will need to invest in security measures to protect their products from theft or diversion.

– It will be important to ensure your company is compliant with all federal regulations when it comes to advertising and marketing marijuana products.

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