Home » Gojek Clone App – Establish Your On Demand Business in Nigeria
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Gojek Clone App – Establish Your On Demand Business in Nigeria

by caroljohn

The Gojek Clone app is known across the market today as an app that has open up new pathways in the world of modern day approach to service acquisition. Today with the help of the Gojek clone app not only can a user quickly and effectively hire a service provider.  But they can also order food, send across parcels or even book a cab or car pool.

By offering a simple and efficient solution to so many problems at once, this multi service on demand application, has quickly gained reputation as one of the most profitable on demand mobile app based businesses in the Nigeria market.

If you are reading this blog, chances are that you are already aware about the Gojek clone app and the multiple ways in which it opens up an entrepreneurs revenue streams. However, in today’s blog post, we will try to shed some light on the ways in which you can utilize the Gojek clone app to establish your own business in multiple countries.


The Gojek clone app works by allowing service providers to post their skill set and their requisite price point per service on the application itself. Now, whenever the need arises, the users can open the app.  Filter the service that they need and then get a list of all the service providers in their radius of operation that are offering said service. Other pertinent details such as the charges.  The time it would take to deliver the services and so on and so forth are also share over the app itself.

Now the user can select the service provider based on the information given and hire them to deliver the services right at their doorstep. The new Gojek clone app has evolved multiple steps further.

In addition to being able to hire service providers by looking at listings, the modern 2022 Gojek clone app also has the feature of instant online consultation. This means that the user can select a time slot to consult with experts like lawyers, doctors etc. online via emails, chat or even video calls.

The other feature is service provider bidding. If the user is too confuse as to who to hire and what would be the best choice, they can simply go to the app and list their job requirements. Now the various service providers on the app will get a notification of the job posted. They can individually bid for the services based on their skills and quote a price. The user can then select the service provider that is best suited to their requirements.


If you are keen on setting up your own on demand multi service app based business in Nigeria, the easiest way to go about it is to make sure that you purchase a ready made on demand Gojek clone app built by a company that is already into creating on demand solutions.

Look for someone who has the experience of almost a decade into this business and has also created other on demand popular apps such as the Uber Clone app or Uber Eats Clone app. This way you will be able to judge their success and their expertise in this arena.

The most important thing to look for is to make sure that you only purchase your on demand Gojek clone app from a white label mobile app development company. This means that the company from who you will purchase the app should be able to white label and rebrand the existing ready made app with your logo and brand name and launch it on the Google Play store as well as the iOS app store under your server credentials.

The Gojek Clone that you pick should also be such that it can be integrated with multiple languages and currencies. This will allow you to launch it in multiple locations without having to worry about the reception amongst the people.


On the whole, if you have big entrepreneurial dreams and wish to make the most of the time right now, then the Gojek clone app is the best solution for you. Join hands with a reliable and reputed on demand white label mobile app Development Company to get your Gojek clone app and establish your own multi service app based business in Nigeria.

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