Home » Gastro-related issues for which you need to consult a gastroenterologist

Gastro-related issues for which you need to consult a gastroenterologist

Reasons To Consult A Gastroenterologist

by SalenaMartine

Gastr-related health issues

Different health issues are likely to impact digestion. If you have chronic pain, then it means there’s something wrong. Moreover, there are other symptoms like gas, bloating, and diarrhea which are likely to cause trouble. Whatever reason you talk about, it’s imperative to get hold of the gastroenterologist. Don’t let any of those terrible symptoms affect your well-being. You should get hold of one of the experienced Gastroenterologist in Ludhiana at the earliest.

Reasons: Why do I have to consult a gastroenterologist?

  • Heartburn

Heartburn is a pain or burns in the throat or chest. The problem occurs when acid from the stomach reaches the esophagus again. Heartburn has become a significant concern for everyone. It’s one of those conditions that goes away on its own.


Have you had heartburn symptoms for more than two weeks?

Make sure to consult the medical expert at the earliest at one of the renowned Gastroenterology Hospital in Ludhiana.


  • Gallstones

Gallstones are small stones that are present in the gallbladder. These are like tiny grains of sand, and their size can be compared to a giant golf ball. In some cases, individuals just one large stone, and for others, the size & number might vary.

Do you notice sudden pain in the abdomen on the right side? It’s likely to be one of the reasons for gallstone. Moreover, these do become common with age. There are few cases where medications can help.


  • Lactose intolerance

Do you notice unwanted symptoms after having milk or dairy products? There are high chances that you are lactose intolerant. With such individuals, it’s difficult for the milk and milk products to get digested easily. The treatment plan does include changing the diet and suggesting other necessary changes.


  • Celiac disease

Celiac disease is a genetic problem where impact is seen on the immune system. For such individuals, the intake of gluten is not recommended. There are certain medications, supplements, and vitamins in which it’s present. Having this disease is known for affecting the small intestine. There’s excess diarrhea and pain. Just make sure to seek the treatment on time as the condition can worsen over time.


  • Inflammatory bowel disease

Sometimes, the immune system thinks of food and other substances as outside substances, likely affecting the healthy tissues over time. Additionally, it is likely to result in IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease). Moreover, there’s irritation and swelling, belly pain, rectal bleeding, and diarrhea. IBDs have different types, and the most common ones are Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. To diagnose whether you have IBD or not, the doctor diagnoses it through a CT scan, X-ray, and stool sample. You may be suggesting certain lifestyle changes, medications, and surgery.


Are you dealing with gastro-related health issues?

Make sure to consult one of the known gastroenterologists to know better how to better deal with the situation. Just make sure that you talk to the doctor about the same at the earliest to deal with the situation effectively. Depending on the reason and how severe the condition is, the doctor will guide you toward the most effective treatment plan. If you have any doubt, ask the medical expert about the same.

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