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Rituals by Ryan Hasting

Christianity Through A New Lens

Christianity has always been a cross-cultural and diverse religion from the beginning of time.

by Jonah Senior Editor

Christianity has always been a cross-cultural and diverse religion from the beginning of time. There is no single dominant expression. Christians have lived in various cultural contexts. Some they embraced while rejected the others. Every Christian must live according to his surroundings. If we look at Christianity from various lenses, we will find how Christians in various cultures embrace their religion.

·       Christianity Thro

Rituals by Ryan Hasting

Rituals by Ryan Hasting

ugh The Cultural Lens:


Let’s look at Christianity through a profound cultural lens:

Christianity finds a home in new cultural settings. Christians who adjust to their surrounding cultures use indigenous languages, music, art forms, and rituals as a powerful resource. Apart from that, we can also see how Christians embrace things that are non-christian. They give them a Christian meaning. Many well-known examples of this are Christians receiving Roman robes and German Christmas trees from their forefathers. Christians also borrow pre-Christian languages. They use it on a more fundamental level for Christian purposes. Although Jesus never spoke Greek, Latin, or English, each of these languages is used to convey his life and communicate his message. Christians continue to borrow new languages to convey the story of Jesus.

Reacting against culture can be as influential in shaping one’s identity as accepting it. As a result, Christians acted against alcohol, Polygamy, divorce, abortion, and various other issues.

There are many debates over multicultural ethics and practices in Christianity. Some Christians may object to the practice, while others embrace it wholeheartedly. Due to this, there are conflicting views about honoring your ancestors. The Jesuits found no problem with Chinese converts worshipping their forefathers. Whereas the Dominicans and Franciscans considered it idolatry. The belief of right and wrong is shaped by your cultural surrounding, which can even misguide the people. Like, Polygamy was generally condemned by Western missionaries in Africa, but many churches now entertain their possibility. In today’s world, disputes about sexuality and gender identity emerge among Christians from all walks of life.

·       Worldwide View:


If we look at Christianity through the worldwide lens, we can see that it offers a consistent way to lice. It offers a comprehensive understanding of different areas of life.

A worldview must offer a way to live consistently. It provides reality by offering a comprehensive understanding of all areas of life. The main focus of a Christian worldview immediately takes us into God’s grace.

The primary claim of Scripture is that God has acted and spoken in history and not only just that there is a God. God is the Lord and King of the universe, governing everything for His glory. He reveals his perfections in everything he does so that people and angels can worship and adore him. God is triune, meaning there are three individuals in the Godhead: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

·       Conclusion:

When we look at Christianity, we understand what makes every Christian unique. It helps us understand how different cultural settings might inflict different views upon you. However, you must not be misguided but follow the Scripture. Do what God has asked you to do; follow his commands, and you shall never be lost.

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