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Child development checklist to maintain

by rathodshravan1653

Your childbirth is the most beautiful gift of life. You feel more positive, happy, and loved when your little one is around. But parenting is no easy task. It requires you to be 24*7 on your toes, especially when they are a toddler. Pay attention to your child’s development. There are different stages here. In every stage, your child evolves and learns something new. 5-year-old games significantly impact their development.

Consider consulting a doctor if your child does not develop as per age. Following is a child development checklist to manage:

Daily routine

At the age of five years, your child’s daily routine is primarily made of playtime. Through toys, the child discovers most about themselves and the world around them. At five, your child is also a preschooler. They learn the basics like the alphabets, numbers, colours, and shapes.

Physical development

By five years, children are physically developed. Their height and weight increase as per the age requirement and following their genetics. You no longer need to hold your little one in your arms as they can walk. Children at such age are physically active and always up to some mischief.

Brain development

Most of the child’s brain development happens at a young age. Many parents enrol their children in various learning courses as they quickly grasp concepts. At this age, your child starts making sense of the world around them. They also clearly recognise people and remember their names. Getting your child interested in challenging 5-year-old games is a great way to boost their brain development.

Emotional awareness

At age five or six years, children become emotionally aware. They understand the relationships they have with people around them and value them. Children at such an age are sensitive to the environment around them. Therefore, parents should never fight in front of their children as it can deeply affect them. You should maintain a positive and happy atmosphere at home.


At this age, your child develops communication skills. They can communicate clearly of what they feel. If your child is hungry, they come ahead and speak. You need not make guesses. Your child can also write decently at this age. You can give them a task to recite a poem or make small, lettered words. You can always get them educational 5-year-old toys to help them learn better.

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